Kontrak & si Demplon Pooh
Friday, February 15, 2008

Cihuuuyyy marihuuyyy neh... awal taon dah dapet kontrak neh! Makasih banged wat bundazka yg dah memberikan dokumen kontraknya dan sudah saya pelajari dan tanda tangani xixixi...

Berikod ini isi kontraknya:)

After serious and cautious consideration...your contract of friendship has been renewed for the New Year 2008! It was a very hard decision to make. So try not to screw it up!!!

My Wish for You in 2008

"May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts. May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips! May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires! May happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy. May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words ...May 2008 be the best year of your life!"

Maap banged neh telad postingnya, secara diriku ini lupa mo minta perlengkapan kontraknya huehuehue...
Kontrak ini akan saya berikan kepada Besan, Mba Debby, Ema, Marlina & Tiwi...sok atuh dipelajari trus langsung dweh teken yey...

Trus juga bundanajwa kirimin aku ini juga, makasih ya jeng... duh jadi terharu biru:) kebeneran aku juga suka nih ma tokoh satu ini si demplon Pooh:D
Toooo twwiiittt... thx cintah...mmuuacch. Oiya ternyata ada lagi yg kasih aku si demplon Pooh ini... yaitu Mutia, ths juga cintah.... muach muach muaacchhh...


Anger is only one letter short of danger
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.
Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.He, who loses money, loses much;
He, who loses a friend, loses much more;
He, who loses faith, loses all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
But beautiful old people are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others
You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.
Friends, you and me…
You brought another friend…
And then there were 3…
We started our group…
Our circle of friends…
And like that circle…
There is no beginning or end…
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.
So now, let’s see how many circle’s of friends we can make by simply adding your link on this Friendship Meme!

1. Catsy Carpe Diem
2. Catsy Download
3. Out of the Blue
4. A Day to Savor and Relish
5. A Piece of Idea
6. Write Shy
7. Stupid Wise
8. onlinememorylane
9. See Me For What You Will
10. Michelle’s Small World
11. Chez Francine
12. Cronaca
13. Le bric à brac de Cherie
14. Life
15. Hanna
16. AngrianiWorld
17. Farah
18. Anoushka
19. Noushy Syah
20. Eagle
21. Dasir
22. Shirei
23. Eucalyptus
24. Puan
25. Lina
26. astien
27. Ina Salisya
28. BundaNajwa
29. Kei & Mum
30. (put your name here)

Sekarang akan gw teruskan biar lebih puanjang lagi ke...
1. Mona, yg gi nyiapin kostum Baby Bop
2. Mba Debby, yg seneng akhirnya gak jadi ilang tapi dipotong jatah preman:D
3. Marlina, emaknya si cantik & molegh Laura
4. Ema, emak si cantik Elora & ganteng Carlo
5. Tiwi, emak si cantik Noni

Keira Adzra Athayya smiled at 4:49 PM


Blogger Theresia Maria said...

Truly, tengkyu....:x

6:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trul, selamat ya lengkap deh dapatnya kontrak dan pooh.

2:08 PM

Blogger Marlina said...

Selamat ya Trul! Lucu bgt itu si pooh :)
Thanks ya aku dikasih juga {{hugs}}

11:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

kontrak juga pooh juga..komplit plit plit..
cerita wiken nya mana.? kei dah nyiapin kebaya lom say?atau mau pake kostum princess?kan raul pake kostum barney..:D

11:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

perasaan gw jg ngasi kontrak bernilai M2an deh.. slamet yah ceu dapetin Pooh yg montog kaya dikau..*pis ah*

3:19 PM

Blogger bundAzkaFaqih said...

sip sippp...tengkyu yaak dah diteken, bu..

10:04 PM

Blogger Mom of Calysta 'n Clarissa said...

Selamat d Trul dah tanda tangan kontrak, trus kpn niy makan2xnya...xixixixi

10:42 AM


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